20 June, 2025
CaspiMayr Retreat Beach Resort, Sea Breeze, Baku, Azerbaijan
Starting at 9:00 precisely (attendees are expected at 8:50 latest)
Early morning session (1h40): 9am – 10:40am
Title: “Longevity with hormone supplements”
Description: Which supplements and doses to look more youthful and live longer. These hormone therapies include shortly the ones presented in an earlier session (growth hormone IGF, testosterone, female hormones), and more extensively hormones, such as thyroid, cortisol, DHEA, melatonin, oxytocin, etc. How to diagnose deficiencies in these hormones (complaints, physical signs, lab tests) and administer these treatments (products, doses, route of administration, timing) is discussed as practical as possible to allow the health professional and nutritionist to increase the hormone levels with hormone and nutritional supplements efficiently).
(30 min break)
Late morning session (1h40) – 11h10 – 12h50
Title: Longevity with nutritional supplements: which supplements and doses to live well and longer, and at which doses.
Description: The most efficient nutritional supplements that can help to live longer (magnesium, calcium, potassium, CoQ10, pycnogenol, vitamins A, B3, B9, E, C, D, E, selenium, zinc, alpha-lipoic acid, telomerase activators, rapamycin, senolytics, and so many more. Practical tips are provided in this lecture (1h40 min., exciting information based on many intriguing scientific studies with practical tips.)
(Lunch break 1h40 min)
Early afternoon session (1h40) – 14:30 –16h10
Title: Spiritual longevity: How to increase spiritual awareness and experiences to live happier and longer.
Description: This lecture informs on how to acquire the keys to feel good: Be relaxed and appreciate your body, be in the present time, be yourself; Appreciate, take care, and, love yourself, then love life, others, the world; Feel free, joyful, happy, thankful, spiritual, eternal, infinite, your connections with everything and everybody, feel your strong potential, feel how nobody and nothing is superior or inferior or even equal to you, just different and thus enriching; Live in the essential, in what matters to you. Short practical exercises with the audience will make this presentation very lively. (50 min – the enlightening information in this session and in the next one is mainly based on Thierry’s personal experience, but also on some science)
Title: Positive mind longevity: How to improve the way we think about life and look at it to live better and longer.
Description: This lecture is mainly based on the positive attitudes of active centenarians: the will and acceptance to grow old, the feeling of youthfulness inside, quick acceptance of what happens, the resourcefulness, positive emotions, sociability, continuous family and community involvement, spirituality, and so many other attitudes explain why 40% of centenarians who reach ages above 100 remain active. (50 min – fascinating information based on studies and books on centenarians with practical tips.
(30 min break)
Late afternoon session (1h40 + Q&A) – 16h40-18h30
Title: Lifestyle longevity: How to improve your habits and activities to live healthier and longer.
Description: Breathing well, correct postures, rest and sleep, how much and what physical exercise to live longer, etc. (40 min. of interesting information based on many scientific studies with practical tips.)
Title: Diet longevity: How and what to drink and eat to live more dynamically and longer.
Description: Longevity diets, how to reduce inflammation, intermittent fasting, the drinks and foods that can extend lifespan and those that do the opposite, the right timing of meals, the importance of chewing well and a lot more. (1h of exciting information based on many scientific studies with practical tips.)
Q&A session